Affiliate Organizations
The following organizations have affiliated with GULL centrally or via GULL’s national and regional officers:
- Griffith University Lifelong Learning in Logan (GULLL), Brisbane, Australia
- Voice of Samoan People, Australia
El Alfarero, Bolivia | Contact: Debbie Frith
- Tearfund
- World Vision Burundi
- IHHL Institute Inc, Canada
- MHA Institute Inc, Canada
- Global Revivals Ministries Ltd
- SM Partners (SZ) Ltd
- China Mightiness Investment & Software Technic Academy
- TieSense Information (Beijing) Co Ltd
- South Ethiopia Evangelical Churches Fellowship (SEECF)
- Ghana Christian University College | Contact: Brian Jennings
- Young Adults with Purpose Guatemala | Contact: Jonathan Welford
- Scoll Methods Hong Kong Ltd, Hong Kong
- Oasis India
- Academy of Magic
- Infinito Personal & Skill Development
- PT Maha Pacific
- Action Learning, Action Research Association Inc (ALARA)
- Compassion International | Contact: Wolfgang Riedner
- Oasis Global | Contact: Andy Matheson
- Tearfund East and West Africa | Contact: Martin Jennings
- World Vision East Africa region
- World Vision International
- World Vision Latin America region
- Exclusive Holidays, Jamaica
- Jamaica Open Group
- Sandals Resorts International | Contact: Phillip Brown
- Compassion Kenya
- World Vision Kenya
- World Vision Lebanon
- Macau Quality Management Association
- Achievers Alliance Academy
- Advance Auto Academy
- Akademi Automotif YCT
- Andrin Make Over Academy
- ANS Life Science S/B
- Artistic Makeup Academy
- Bang Bang Fashion & Design Academic Centre
- Celmonze Aesthetic Academy
- CES Academy
- Chef Eddie Choong Bake & Culinary Centre Sdn. Bhd
- Chef Siew Cake Art & Culinary S/B
- CNH Land Sdn Bhd
- Corryn Beauty Academy (M) Sdn Bhd
- CSD Interior Design & Art Training Academy
- De Paris Beauty Academy
- Eduvo Academy
- Emanate Technology Sdn Bhd
- Happy Pawz
- Harold’s Academy
- Intellects Global Learning Sdn Bhd
- IS Com
- JV Skill Training Centre Sdn Bhd
- K Youth Development Centre
- Keris College
- Kolej WIT Ipoh
- Mal Overseas Study Services Center
- Mee Tarik Warisan Ali Sdn Bhd
- MEso Aesthetic Academy
- Pusat Pendidikan Komputer Chiko
- RPI E Centre
- SBIT Training Sdn Bhd
- Singapore Quality Circle Pte Ltd
- Sumafi Academy
- Super Cut Studio & Academy
- The Glam Academy
- The Image Creator Sdn Bhd
- Tianz Academy Sdn Bhd
- Wars SB Saloon & Academy
- Y K Beauty Sdn Bhd
- World Vision Mexico
- World Vision Mongolia
- Christian Rural and Urban Development Association of Nigeria (CRUDAN) | Contacts: Ruth Dul & Daniel Makpu
- Tearfund
- EDTC Limited, Papua New Guinea (PV-GULL) | Contact: Samuel Tam
- World Vision Papua New Guinea | Contact: Grace Heaoa
- IPDT Institute of Tourism, Portugal
- Tearfund
- World Vision Rwanda
- Sonesta Resorts
- Caribbean Institute for Social Education Foundation
- Singapore Institute of Engineering Technologists (SIET)
- South Africa Open Group
- South Asian Academy for Good Governance (SAAGG), Sri Lanka | Contact: Chandra Bandara
- World Vision Lanka | Contacts: Nilanka Wijayanayake & Jude Perera
- JinGuan Spiritual-Mind Metalisme Science Research Institution, Taiwan
- Turks & Caicos Islands Airports Authority
- TSI Quality Services
- Counselling & Pastoral Trust | Contact: Agnes Sullivan
- Skills Academy
- TSI Quality Services Ltd
- Compass North America
- Chartwells Higher Education
- Eurest Dining Services
Action Learning (AL) is about encouraging and helping to enable all people, especially in the poorest and most disadvantaged communities in our world, to develop their learning potential by discovering their special gifts, cascading their learning, and developing these gifts together with other like-minded people. This is the means to become self-confident, self-directed and then to help others on the same learning journey.This is a unique, coherent and holistic approach to unlocking human potential in individuals, groups, communities and organizations, so they can individually and collectively contribute to identifying and solving problems.Action Learning new educational pathways from exclusion to inclusion; unknowing to self-directed learning and knowledge creation; dependence and oppression to independence and freedom; self consciousness to self-confidence; individualism to collectivism; self-centredness to other-centr edness; and so forth.[table id=1 /]